Friends of Mitchell (FoM) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed by parents, teachers, and members of the community to raise funds for school needs.
Building Community
FoM organizes events, both large and small, to fundraise, foster friendships, and have fun!
Money raised by FoM pays for a multitude of programs, teachers, equipment, curriculum, field trips, and more each year.
Get Involved
Come to a FoM meeting or event, it’s fun! Next steps could be leading a committee, helping with Evening of Dreams (the biggest annual fundraiser), or even joining the Board.
Executive Board
Alexis Miles, Chair // Ellen Byrnes, Vice Chair // Erin Smock, Treasurer // Katie Schuldt, Secretary // Susie Bucaro // Ingrid Jacobs // Stacey Kennedy // Marisol Ramirez // Emily Tapia-Lopez // Kristy Ryan // Amy Rogers // Katie O’Brien
Auxiliary Board
Niki Buse // Lucy Bolland // Courtney Cannata // Craig Castelli // Helen Papantoniou Pfeifle // Anna Cocheme // Katie Welsh, Principal // Colleen Fritsch, Teacher Representative
We’re always looking for new volunteers to help our “small school with big dreams” tucked in the heart of Chicago.